Random Acts of Kindness
The Outreach Team has been sidelined a bit during the pandemic, but Lori Bennett and Barbara Donaghue, as the Random Acts of Kindness team leaders, have been busy working behind the scenes searching for ways to reach out to our church family.
Random Acts of Kindness is one initiative identified in our Interest Survey as something to explore. We therefore are going to have monthly Beacon articles on Random Acts of Kindness with suggestions, quotes, a Bible verse and readings for both adults and children.
For September, we would like to start with kindness for yourself. In times of stress and uncertainty, it is important to remember that we need to be kind to ourselves. Here are some suggested actions:
• Start by taking time to think about what kindness means to you
• Think of ways that you have given and received kindness
• Enjoy a moment in the outdoors during the summer and fall months
• Take a walk outside
• Sit on a park bench, read a book have an extra cup of tea or coffee with your feet up, walk along a beach, and reflect on the wonders you encounter. Slow down for just a bit as a kindness you need and deserve.
Quote: “Kindness is the golden chain by which society is bound together.”
~ Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
Suggested reading (book): BE KIND: A Year of Kindness One Week at a Time
by Melissa Burmester and Jaclyn Lindsey.
Bible Verse: Clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. ~ Colossians 3:12
Finally, we would love to have your feedback. share examples of your kind acts, and any drawings, videos, pictures, or whatever you have, for September. Send your thoughts to RAKatFCC@comcast.net. Thank you, and go be kind!