Random Acts of Kindness Ministry
As we say goodbye to summer and welcome fall, we still find ourselves living with the pandemic and its resultant social distancing, mask wearing and hand washing. How we live our lives continues to evolve as children have different forms of learning, some adults work from home, or a mix of part home and part office, or all office. While we are all restricted in some way by what we can and cannot do, we have learned to be thoughtful in creating different ways to thrive through this pandemic.
Fortunately, one thing has not changed! We can still “be kind” to ourselves, our family and friends, and others who cross our paths. In this issue of the Beacon you will find articles for adults and our youth offering thoughts and actions on kindness. If you have children or grandchildren, we ask you to share the ideas in the “Kindness Rocks” article with them as it is especially written for them. Please send your thoughts and experiences with kindness during the pandemic to RAKatFCC@comcast.net so we can share them anonymously with our church family.
Samaritans Virtual Walk for Hope
Last year if you walked or donated to “Stride into the Light,” we ask you to consider registering to walk or donate to the Samaritans of Merrimack Valley’s 4th VIRTUAL Walk for Hope, October 11 – 17, 2020. Both walks are held to raise awareness of mental health challenges and suicide prevention in our communities. The need is great! As of this year Summer 2020, the Samaritans suicide prevention helpline has answered 7,125 calls.
As we did last year, we have registered a team called First Church Stride Team. During October 11 – 17, the Samaritans ask people to walk 4,000 steps a day and to fund raise, if possible.
To register, go to https://app.mobilecause.com/vf/WalkForHope/team/FIRSTCHURCHSTRIDETEAM
The registration fee is $30.00. This link connects you to our team page and allows you to
either register as a walker or to make a donation to the team. We ask you to support our team and the Samaritans. Our goal is to raise $1,000.00.
NIN Food Pantry and Food Donations
On September 15, the Food Pantry served 330 families, a record high for our pantry. We continue to welcome food and/or cash donations. The need is great!
Donation drop-off times, at First Church Congregational, are:
• Wednesdays from 2:30 – 4:00 PM
• Saturdays from 10:00 AM – 12:00 NOON
Thanksgiving Dinners
NIN plans to provide Thanksgiving Dinners this year as it has in past years. First Church will participate in helping to provide these dinners. We are waiting for NIN to make its final plans, and then we will make ours. We will notify you of these plans through an all church email blast once they are finalized.